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Appalachian Energy Summit Student Poster Competition

College and university students are invited to submit an abstract for their energy-related research or project and be a part of the Appalachian Energy Summit. The Energy Summit is a free event for all attendees. The two highest ranking posters are eligible to earn cash prizes! There will be non-cash accolades for posters earning Honorable Mention.

Poster competition


  • Must be a degree-seeking undergraduate (including 2-year associate degree programs), graduate or Ph.D. student in the U.S. currently performing research or leading a project related to:
    • Renewable energy; climate and the environment; energy efficiency and the built environment; clean transportation; power distribution and storage; energy and public policy; emissions; behavior change; social and cultural impacts; or any topic associated with energy in society. Research activity from any discipline is welcome.
  • There are no limitations regarding the origins of your scholarly project. Your work may be associated with a thesis, dissertation, individual or group class project, internship, or independent study. The work you submit must be your own.
  • Emphasize the significance of your research. How this research or project:
    • Inform about ways to reduce climate impacts?
    • Positively benefit society and the environment?
    • Advance clean energy technology or behaviors?
  • Entries will be reviewed by panels of judges, who will score each poster using a common rubric. Scoring will emphasize the relevance, quality, and effectiveness of a poster’s content (85% of total possible points). Poster design (layout, readability, and creativity) will comprise 15% of total possible points. 
    The decisions of the judges of this competition shall be final. All posters will become property of Appalachian Energy Center and may be displayed at the Center at any time after the competition.
  • A poster entry may be submitted by an individual or project team. However, all posters are judged as single entries.
  • Competition participants must be registered to attend the Energy Summit. Registration and on-campus overnight accommodations are free.
  • If you have any questions, including those about content relevance, email James Sharp


Review the application in advance to give yourself plenty of time to prepare your submission before the deadline. Please email with any questions or if you experience any issues submitting the application.

After the submission deadline, the Appalachian Energy Center will review each submission for topic relevancy, quality of research concept, and overall quality of submission content. Students whose poster concept submissions meet the competition’s standards will be invited to participate in the competition before May 09, 2025. Check out details for poster specifications.


February 03, 2025: Online applications will open. The application form will be accessible under the “Apply” section of this webpage.

May 02, 2025: Online applications will close.

May 09, 2025: Notifications of acceptance will be sent to applicants no later than May 09. All poster competition particiants must register for the Energy Summit.

June 04-06, 2025: The Appalachian Energy Summit at Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina.