Proposed changes to Climate Action Reserve’s U.S. Landfill Project Protocol

The Climate Action Reserve released proposed changes to its U.S. Landfill Project Protocol for public comment on Feb. 12, 2019. The proposed revisions are the first substantial update to the Protocol since 2011 and include significant changes to the performance standard test, project definition, crediting period, and verification options, among other changes.

The Reserve periodically updates its carbon offset protocols using a multi-stakeholder workgroup process. The Appalachian Energy Center was one of 10 organizations represented on the workgroup advising the Reserve during development of the proposed Version 5.0 of the U.S. Landfill Project Protocol.

Some major changes to the Protocol include: allowing projects to be defined on a cell-by-cell basis, permitting a second crediting period for projects without continuous reporting, an updated performance standard test that replaced the size eligibility threshold with a new end-use technology-based threshold, allowing the use of indirect monitoring methods based on utility meter data, and providing for extended verification periods of up to 24 months, among other changes.

The Reserve is hosting a free public webinar to discuss the proposed changes on Feb. 27, 2019 from 1 PM to 2 PM EDT. Public comments on the proposed revisions may be submitted by emailing by 6:00 pm PT on Tuesday, March 12, 2019. More information on the proposed revisions, the proposed Version 5.0 of the protocol, and details on the public webinar and submitting comments is available at

Published: Feb 25, 2019 12:00am
