STEPs4GROWTH [Successful Training and Effective Partnerships for Growing Regional Opportunities in the Workforce To Harness] the NC Clean Energy Alliance.


STEPs4GROWTH is funded by the Department of Commerce’s Good Jobs Challenge, with a $23.7 million investment over four years. Led by the Center for Energy Research & Technology at NC A&T State University, STEPs4GROWTH is a Comprehensive Clean Energy (CE) Workforce Development Project designed to shape the future of renewable talent in North Carolina and across America.

This initiative focuses on four key CE sectors: Energy Efficiency, Renewable Energy, Clean Vehicles, and Grid & Resiliency. Its primary goal is to create “Middle Skill Jobs” for a diverse range of individuals, including college students, high school graduates, and reskilled or displaced workers. The program offers various credentials such as BS & AAS degrees, Certifications (short & long), Targeted Courses, and Apprenticeship Certificate degrees, providing multiple pathways to the workforce.